All Blogging Series

How I Met My Girlfriend

My girlfriend and I are a trans-Atlantic LDR couple in our twenties who met on Tumblr back in 2014 and met for the first time in person in 2016. Enjoy our laughs, pains, embarrassments, and love. (Ongoing series.)

How to Make the Distance Work

People always ask us how we’ve made our trans-Atlantic relationship last for 4+ years. From communication to coping with being sad, this series provides advice on LDRs by dipping into what’s worked for mine. (Complete series.)

Advice for Borderline Personality Disorder

My girlfriend was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder in 2017. Here is a collection of guidelines and advice for those who loves someone with BPD in any capacity. (Ongoing series.)

Queer Representation

A collection of posts focusing in LGBTQ+ representation in many mediums, including books, TV, film, music. This series includes queer book reviews. (Ongoing series.)

People & Pride

A non-chronological series that examines the impact of my identity on my personal relationships and vice versa. (Ongoing series.)

Lesbians and Their Laptops

A collection of guest posts from lesbians for Lesbian Visibility Week. (Complete series.)